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The College of St. Scholastica

We tell our story together


The Marketing Department develops and guides the St. Scholastica brand, provides strategic planning and enrollment marketing expertise. We collaborate with the College community to successfully support and market our mission:

  • Professional marketing strategy, event promotion and media buying
  • Branding and design services
  • Production management, execution of marketing materials and vendor consulting
  • Web strategy and leadership

The marketing team offers distinct services, complementing each other to tell the St. Scholastica story.


Communications keep the community informed of the experiences the College encounters on a daily basis. We are the official voice of St. Scholastica and help to tell its story. Our team offers:

  • Media relations
  • Social media management
  • Presidential communications
  • St. Scholastica Magazine
  • Internal and external publicity for the College’s news and events

Brand Guidelines

The College of St. Scholastica’s brand is built to reflect the mission and values of the College. It is a source of a promise to our audiences, building a sense of community, credibility and competitive advantage.

Student studying in Einstein's at St. Scholastica.

Editorial Guidelines