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The College of St. Scholastica

St. Scholastica will host a faculty event that will combine musical and visual art and examine how they overlap for a richer experience.

The next edition of the School of Arts and Letters Colloquium Series is titled “What does a painting sound like? And how would a musical composition look on a canvas?” It will take place at 3:40 p.m. Friday, Jan. 24, in room 3625 of Tower Hall. The event is free and refreshments will be served.

Art Professor Paul LaJeunesse and Assistant Music Professor Nick Susi will examine the nature of interdisciplinary creativity. LaJeunesse will discuss his artistic process of translating sound into image, while Susi performs and analyzes a 19th-century piano work composed by Franz Liszt and inspired by Raphael’s “Lo Sposalizio,” an oil painting depicting a marriage ceremony between Mary and Joseph.

The colloquium will end with the premiere of a new video by LaJeunesse, set to a live performance by Susi of Philip Glass’ piano piece “Mad Rush.”

Now in its 13th year, St. Scholastica’s School of Arts and Letters Colloquium is a monthly lecture series highlighting faculty research in the SAL.